Keepermax Training Session Plan 1. KEEPERMAX SESSION PLANSubject: Coach Name: GK Age Level: Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Training Topic: Session Length: 2. OBJECTIVE(s) SPORTING PERFORMANCE, TRAINING METHODOLOGIES, MATCH METHODOLOGIESExpectation(s):Learning Skills Review from Prior Session:3. GOALKEEPERS WARMUPWarm up notes4. Assessment (collect data) / Evaluation (interpret data)Based on the application of training methods, how will I know Goalies will learn what I intend?5. GK'S Learning ContextWhat prior experience, knowledge and training skills do the GK ́s bring with them to this learning experience?B. Training EnvironmentC. Resources/Materials6. MAIN PART OF THE GOALKEEPER SESSION (illustration or text)SPORTING PERFORMANCE, TRAINING METHODOLOGIES, MATCH METHODOLOGIES